Power of
أنـنـا نحـن
ننتدب ونقيم ونعين
شركة :
الخدمات المتحدة
للعلامات التجارية وبراءات الاختراع
ص. ب: 925852-العبدلي-11190 – عمان –
ليكونا ممثلينا ووكلائنا والمحاميين
الحقيقيين والشرعيين ولأن يفعلوا ويقوموا بالنيابة عنا وباسمنا بما يلي :
وعموما في سبيل تحقيق حماية حقوقنا ومصالحنا
في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية .
نظمت في
في هذا اليوم الموافق /
/ 200
DO hereby
nominate, constitute and appoint
United Trademark & Patent Services Co
to be our
true and lawful agents and attorneys for us and in our name and grant our
said agents and/or attorneys, full power and authority to do and act as
to deal with and/or represent us and/or oppose on our behalf in any
trademark, patent, copyright and other
intellectual property matters and/or proceedings in JORDAN including
registrations, changes of name/address, recordal of assignments/licenses,
renewals and/or annuities and/or lodging oppositions against the registration
of any trademarks and other IP rights
and/or to act on our behalf in any assignment of IP rights and/or to
represent us in any opposition proceedings that may be lodged against the
registration of any of our trademarks and other IP matters and/or to apply
for or defend against the cancellation of any trademarks and/or other IP
rights from the Register of Patents & Trademarks or any other authority
and for any or all of these purposes to sign any papers, applications, forms,
documents and/or instruments which may be necessary for the above purposes or
anyone of them.
2- to represent us, to receive notices, serve notices of any kinds to third parties and appear on our
behalf before all courts, whether civil or criminal of any instances and
jurisdictions and/or before any Government Departments or Authorities and in
particular before the Trademark Section, Ministry of industry and trade in connection with any
trademark and./or patent matters of
whatever nature, and/or proceedings and/or passing-off
cases, fraudulent use of trade marks
and/or goods and/or
of our trade marks or labels or any matter related thereto directly or
indirectly, in which we are or may become involved and whether as opponents,
claimants, plaintiffs or defendants or otherwise and for these purposes in
general towards the realization of protection of our rights and interests in
to proceed to appeal or for cessation in respect of any order, and/or
decision and/or judgment and to lodge any proceedings before the high supreme
court and / or any Courts, Authorities in JORDAN which they in their
discretion shall deem necessary and/or conducive to the protection of our
trademark interests and other IP rights. The above includes the right to
submit and initiate legal complaints and criminal proceedings before all
courts of whatever nature or description and to prosecute and to plead the
same to the final stage and/or
resort. .
to appoint any substitute or substitutes to exercise any or all of the powers
herein granted to them and from time to time to remove any such substitute or
substitute .
We hereby ratify and confirm any act or acts which our said attorneys may do
under this power of attorney, it being a general power of attorney intended
to cover any acts, measures, proceedings, pleadings, representations, matters
and/or things in connection with our trademarks/patents and other intellectual
property right in JORDAN whether
same are expressly mentioned above
or not Signed in___________________
This________________day of
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