عقد بيع ابتدائي لعقار
estate primary sale contract
to English by
Mahmud Ahmad
محرر بتاريخ .. / ...../ بين كل من :
1- السيد ( ) المقيم ( ) طرف أول
2- السيدة ( ) ,
المقيمة ( ) طرف ثاني المشترية
يمتلك الطرف الأول قطعة أرض مباني مساحتها....
متر وعليها مباني من الطوب
بناحیة ..... مركز.......
ولرغبة الطرف الأول في بيع هذه القطعة فقد تلاقت أرادته مع أرادة الطرف الثاني
المشترية على الآتي, وبعد أن قرر كل منهما على كامل أهليته للتعاقد والتصرف
وبأنهما غير خاضعين لأحكام الحراسة فلقد اتفقا على الآتي
أولا : يعتبر هذا التمهيد جزء لا يتجزأ
من العقد
ثانيا: باع وأسقط وتنازل الطرف الأول السيد
...... ( البائع ) إلى الطرف الثاني القابلة لذلك السيدة ( ) قطعة الأرض الكائنة
في ........ ناحية ..... مركز.. محافظة...... ومساحتها..... متر مربع عليها مبنى
من الطوب وحدودها كالآتي:
الحد الشمالي: ملك........... بطول
الحد الغربي: ملك........... بطول
الحد الشرقي: ملك........ بطول
الحد الجنوبي: ملك....... بطول
ثالثا: تم هذا البيع ومال الطرف الثاني المشترية
إلى يد الطرف الأول البائع عند تحرير هذا العقد ويعتبر توقيع الطرف الأول على هذا
العقد بمثابة مخالصة تامة ونهائية بسداد كافة الثمن.
رابعا : آلت الملكية إلى الطرف الثاني بالشراء من
السيد ........ بموجب عقد البيع المؤرخ ......
خامسا : يقر الطرف الأول بان الأرض المباعة خالية
من الرهن والديون والمطالبات المستحقة للغير وفي حالة ظهور ما يخالف يكون الطرف
الأول ملزما برد الثمن.
سادسا: تم وضع يد المشترية الطرف الثاني على
القدر المباع وما عليه من مباني اعتبارا من تاريخ تحرير هذا العقد بعد أن عاينت
الأرض والمباني القائمة عليها المعاينة التامة النافية للجهالة وقبلتها بالحالة
التي هي عليها وقت تجرير هذا العقد.
سابعا: يتعهد الطرف الأول بتقديم كافة المستمسكات
القانونية الدالة على ملكيته للأرض والمباني القائمة عليها كما يتعهد بالتصديق على
العقد النهائي أمام المحكمة أو مأمورية الشهر العقاري مديرية التسجيل العقاري))
ثامنا: تحرر هذا العقد من نسختين بين كل طرف نسخة
للعمل حين الاقتضاء
طرف أول( بائع ) .............................
طرف ثاني ( المشترية)
estate primary sale contract
This contract is entered into force at (--date--) by and between the two parties as follow:
1- Mr. ( ) the seller, his address is (--------) hereafter referred to as a first party.
2- Mrs. ( ) the purchaser, her address is (------) hereafter referred to as a second party
The first party possesses residential plot of land, its area is --X-- square meter, it involves buildings built from bricks, and it is situated at district --------, center --------- governorate -------.
Due to the desire of the first party into selling this plot, both of seller and purchaser have made their wishes voluntary into this agreement after they confirmed their legal capacity and testified that they are not subdued to guardians' wardship, they agree on specific stipulations for the sake of maintaining contract and their disposal rights on the following stipulations:
1- The preamble is considered as an integral part of this contract.
2- The first party the ( seller) ------ has sold, transferred to the second party Mrs.--------- who agrees on purchasing the plot----- that is situated at district-----, center------, governorate-------, which its area is ---X---- square meter, and it includes buildings built from bricks and its borders as fellow:
The north border is ----meters long
The south border is --- meters long
The west border is ----meters long
The east border is ------ meters long
3- This sale is achieved and having approval of the second party (purchaser) as soon as this contract is drawn up, and hereafter the signature of the first party is considered as a clear acquittal that he received the entire price.
4- The ownership becomes vested in to the second party------according to the sale contract that is dated------- in
5- The first party shall acknowledge that the sold plot is clear of mortgages, debts, and any payable dues from others, and in case of occurrence any contrast with stipulations, the first party shall be binding to return the total received price
6- After the second party (purchaser) has examined the certain plot, she is very sure without any denying ignorance when putting her hand entirely on the plot and the buildings establishing over it from the date of drawing up this contract.
7- The first party shall undertake into providing all legal instruments that confirm his ownership to the plot and the buildings established over it, and he shall ratify on the final contract in front of the court or the land registry office.
8- This contract is drawn up in two copies and each party shall take one copy as a dependable reference of confession at necessity.
This contract is entered into force at (--date--) by and between the two parties as follow:
1- Mr. ( ) the seller, his address is (--------) hereafter referred to as a first party.
2- Mrs. ( ) the purchaser, her address is (------) hereafter referred to as a second party
The first party possesses residential plot of land, its area is --X-- square meter, it involves buildings built from bricks, and it is situated at district --------, center --------- governorate -------.
Due to the desire of the first party into selling this plot, both of seller and purchaser have made their wishes voluntary into this agreement after they confirmed their legal capacity and testified that they are not subdued to guardians' wardship, they agree on specific stipulations for the sake of maintaining contract and their disposal rights on the following stipulations:
1- The preamble is considered as an integral part of this contract.
2- The first party the ( seller) ------ has sold, transferred to the second party Mrs.--------- who agrees on purchasing the plot----- that is situated at district-----, center------, governorate-------, which its area is ---X---- square meter, and it includes buildings built from bricks and its borders as fellow:
The north border is ----meters long
The south border is --- meters long
The west border is ----meters long
The east border is ------ meters long
3- This sale is achieved and having approval of the second party (purchaser) as soon as this contract is drawn up, and hereafter the signature of the first party is considered as a clear acquittal that he received the entire price.
4- The ownership becomes vested in to the second party------according to the sale contract that is dated------- in
5- The first party shall acknowledge that the sold plot is clear of mortgages, debts, and any payable dues from others, and in case of occurrence any contrast with stipulations, the first party shall be binding to return the total received price
6- After the second party (purchaser) has examined the certain plot, she is very sure without any denying ignorance when putting her hand entirely on the plot and the buildings establishing over it from the date of drawing up this contract.
7- The first party shall undertake into providing all legal instruments that confirm his ownership to the plot and the buildings established over it, and he shall ratify on the final contract in front of the court or the land registry office.
8- This contract is drawn up in two copies and each party shall take one copy as a dependable reference of confession at necessity.
First party-------Second party
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