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يمكنني مساعدتك في ترجمة ملفاتك، .
تواصل معنا الآن عبر الواتس 201118865884
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إجمالي مرات مشاهدة الصفحة

بحث هذه المدونة الإلكترونية


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وصف المدون


تعلم فليسَ المرءُ يولدُ عالماً

[الشائعة :][6]

الصياغة القانونية
دورات، تدريب
ذاكرة الترجمة
Legal translation

شهادة طلاق رجعى مترجمة

Attestation of revocable divorce (first divorce)

Record no.                                        Registration number                           Registered in the civil registry no.             on 27/11/2018

Attestation of Revocable Divorce
First Divorce
  On this Tuesday, Corresponding to ………. A.D., corresponding to..   ……… 1440 A.H at ……….. p.m., at the Cairo Registry Office, before and through me Rashwan Samir Rashwan, Notary Public at said office,
and in the presence of:
1- Name:
Date of birth: Place of birth:
 Job :
With Personal ID: National ID issued from: Arab Republic of Egypt on …… No. …………

2- Name:
Date of birth:
Place of birth:
With Personal ID: National ID issued from: Arab Republic of Egypt on ………No. …..

Being witness of legal age and legally eligible in accordance with Article #8 of the Executive Regulations implementing the Registration Law,

First: Mr.
Nationality: Egyptian, Religion: Muslim
Born on: ….. in …..
And singed this contract on his behalf- ……. , Nationality: , Religion:, Date of birth:, Work: , Place of birth:  - Personal ID: National ID issued from: Arab Republic of Egypt on ID No.

And after exhaustion of arbitration methods mentioned in Article (10 repeated) of the Executive Regulations implementing the Registration Law and for the admission of the husband of executing divorce on ……………...

And after the admission who has attended from the couple and the witness, we have proven what follows:
Mr. …… has married Mrs. ….. by virtue of marriage contract registered with the Personal Status Office, Cairo under no. (..) letter (.) For the year (.) on …. and that he had lawfully lived with her as husband and wife.
Divorce information
The husband now want to divorce her revocably for the first time, and said: “My wife with whom I consummated marriage, Mrs. …. is divorced from me a first revocable divorce.” And he mentioned that her current residence is ………
And for the applicant admission that this is: The first divorce to happen between them, Mrs. …. has become divorced from Mr…. one revocable divorce.

It’s also mentioned that this attestation has been signed in one original and four copies, one of them was handed to the divorcer and the second to divorcee and the third to the civil registration office in Cairo and the fourth to the head office in Cairo and the original attestation was kept in the office. And after reading what is mentioned in the attestation on the attendees, all of them have signed it,
Divorcer’s attorney                  Divorcee             Witnesses                Authorizer          
[signature]                               [signature]                          1- [signature]            [signature]           /round seal/
                                                                                                2- [signature]           
/finger prints/

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